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TOK Essay Plan Template

All TOK essay titles are broad and open ended. They can be approached from many different perspectives. Because of this, it may be difficult to start writing the essay. That is where essay planning comes into play!

In an earlier post, I gave a step by step guide on writing the essay, in which one of the most important steps is essay planning.

If you create a detailed essay plan, the writing part becomes easier. A good essay plan can follow this structure:

Introduction (200 words):

  • Introduce topic

  • Define key terms

  • Set up essay

AOK 1 Claim (300 words)

  • Claim

  • Real Life Example(s)

  • Link

AOK 1 Counterclaim (300 words)

  • Counterclaim

  • Real Life Example(s)

  • Link

AOK 2 Claim (300 words)

  • Claim

  • Real Life Example(s)

  • Link

AOK 2 Counterclaim (300 words)

  • Counterclaim

  • Real Life Example(s)

  • Link

Conclusion (200 words)

  • Central Thesis

  • Insights

  • Significance

For those interested, here is the template for the essay plan that you are free to use:

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