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PEEL Paragraphs - A Writing Hack

PEEL paragraphs! A simple yet very effective hack to write fantastic paragraphs.

The PEEL paragraph method is a way to help you organize your ideas through clear writing. It allows for you to write well-structured paragraphs that have a clear point, supported by examples and explanations.

Here is a simple guide to PEEL paragraphs.

P – Point

Start your paragraph with a clear topic sentence that directly communicates what you are writing about.

E – Explain

Further explain your point with more detail and elaboration.

E – Example/Evidence

Give an example or piece of evidence that supports your point.

L – Link

Finish off your paragraph by creating a link back to the main point, central thesis, or the next paragraph.

Here is an example of a PEEL paragraph:

Writing is the ultimate superpower. Well, what is writing? It is the art of using the written word to explore a topic. It helps you develop analytical and critical thinking skills. And through writing, you can express yourself in a creative manner. Several studies have shown writing to help express one’s personality, foster communication, develop thinking skills, make logical and persuasive arguments, and more (Chappell, 2011). If you want to have a strong mind that can understand complex ideas, write more, and write often!


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