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IB Geography Paper 2 Infographic Question - South Korea's TFR

Here is another practice infographic question, along with a mark scheme for Paper 2.

This infographic shows changes in South Korea’s TFR from 1984 to 2021. (

1. Describe the trends of Korea’s TFR from 1984 to 2021. [2]

Award [1] for a valid descriptive statement on the trend and [1] for quantification / exemplification.


For example:

  • TFR has been decreasing [1], from 1.74 in 1984 to 0.81 in 2021 [1]

2. Suggest one reason for this change in Korea’s TFR. [2]

Award [1] for a valid reason and [1] for further development / elaboration / exemplification.


For example:

  • Socio-economic change [1] – with more women's participation in the workforce, women may be deciding to have less children, or have them at later points in their lives [1].

  • Higher use of contraceptives [1] – with better education and access to contraceptives, less babies are being born [1]

3. Evaluate the infographic’s effectiveness in explaining the changes in Korea’s TFR. [6]

Award [1] for each valid point and a further mark [1] for supported development / elaboration / exemplification up to a maximum of [5].


Award the final [1] for an overall appraisal that weighs up the infographic as a whole.


Award a maximum of [4] if only one perspective is given.


For example:

  • The infographic has a visual of a hand holding a couple of little feet. This, along with the title, makes it clear what the topic of the infographic is [1]. There is credibility to the data too, as it has been referenced the “Statistics Korea” [1]. However, the data of the TFR according to year is not very easy to understand [1]. One must spend unnecessary time looking at the data to understand the trend, because it is not given in visual form but rather just as numbers [1]. It would be better if this had been put as a bar/line graph so that it is easier to understand [1]. Overall, the infographic is not easy to understand because of the lack of visuals and how they clearly connect to the changes in the data [1].

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