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An IB MYP Integrated Humanities e-Assessment

As I complete examining for this year’s MYP Integrated Humanities e-Assessment, I wanted to take up the challenge of creating an e-Assessment of my own, based on the question types that the actual e-Assessment asks. This may be helpful to fellow MYP Integrated Humanities teachers and also to students studying this subject who want some extra practice. I don’t have a mark scheme for it yet but will create one and post it soon. For now, here is the e-Assessment.


Question 1 (Criteria A – 2 marks):


The graph below shows an increasing trend of CO2 emissions from 1950 - 2022. Outline one reason for this increasing trend of C02 emissions.


Question 2 (Criteria A – 4 marks):


Explain one possible impact on a rise in CO2 emissions.


Question 3 (Criteria B – 8 marks):


Researchers from the “Union of Concerned Scientists” produced the following infographic to demonstrate their investigation on the rise of sea levels. Evaluate the process of their investigation.


Question 4 (Criteria B – 12 marks)


Now you must plan your own investigation to address a current problem related to climate change, based on the argument: “Climate change will disproportionately impact certain populations due to differences in risk and vulnerability.”


Question 4A

Formulate a clear and focused research question to address the argument. (Criteria B - 2 marks)


Question 4B

Justify the usefulness of your research question to address the argument. (Criteria B - 4 marks)


Question 4C

State one primary source that would help you in your investigation. (Criteria B - 1 mark)


Question 4D

Describe the information that the primary source you stated in part (d) would provide for your investigation. (Criteria B - 3 marks)


Question 4E

Outline one challenge you might face during your investigation. (Criteria B - 2 marks)


Question 5 (Criteria A - 6 marks, Criteria C - 12 marks)


You are an advocate for environmental sustainability and have been invited to speak at a global environmental conference. Prepare a persuasive speech addressed to one stakeholder (individuals, organizations, businesses, governments) that explains the importance of sustainable practices. Your speech should include:


  • the benefits of sustainability for the environment and local communities

  • examples of successful sustainability initiatives

  • a call to action for the stakeholder to support sustainable practices


Question 6 (Criteria D – 6 marks)


In terms of its origin, purpose, value, and limitations, analyze the usefulness of Source C for a student studying human interaction with the environment by answering the questions below.

Source C: Excerpts from speech given by Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX at the 67th International Astronautical Congress, 2016


So first of all, why go anywhere, right? The... I think there are really two fundamental paths. History is going to bifurcate along two directions: One path is we stay on Earth forever, and then there will be some eventual extinction event — I don't have an immediate doomsday prophecy — but there's... it's eventually, history just that there will be some doomsday event. The alternative is to become a space-faring civilization and a multi-planet species, which I hope you agree that is the right way to go.


Yes? That's what we want.


So how do we figure out how to take you to Mars and create a self-sustaining city? A city that it is not merely an outpost, but could become planet and its own right, and thus we could become a truly multi-planet species.

Question 6A

State the origin of the source. (Criteria D - 1 mark)


Question 6B

State the purpose of the source. (Criteria D - 1 mark)


Question 6C

Outline one value of Source A for a student studying human interaction with the environment. (Criteria D - 2 marks)


Question 6D

Outline one limitation of Source A for a student studying human interaction with the environment. (Criteria D - 2 marks)


Question 7 (Criteria D – 6 marks)

Do you agree with the claim that we should “become a space-faring civilization and a multi-planet species”? Justify your answer. (Give valid reasons or evidence to support an answer or conclusion). (Criteria D - 6 marks)


Question 8 (Criteria A - 8 marks, Criteria C - 8 marks, Criteria D - 8 marks)


“Climate change is the biggest threat humanity faces”. To what extent do you agree?


Write a well-structured essay in response to the above and:

  • include examples to support your argument

  • consider different perspectives


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